Registration for the NMHEAR Conference will open in October 2024. 

To register for the NMHEAR Conference 2025, please complete the registration form at the button below. 

Register Now!

On-site registration will be available, but the keynote luncheon is not included. 

No refunds will be available after February 17, 2025. 

If you are paying by credit card or PO, you will receive information on how to pay after completing your registration. Checks can be mailed to: 

Eastern New Mexico University
Office of Planning and Policy, Station 2
Portales, NM 88130

If you have questions regarding your registration, you may email Cristine Watson at cristine.watson@enmu.edu or call her at 575-562-2315. 

Conference & Workshop Information and Costs

Pre-Conference Workshops

All pre-conference workshops will take place on February 27 from 8:30am - 11:30am. (Prices range from $50-$75). 

Late fee - A $10 late fee will be added to all registrations that include a pre and/or post conference workshop for registrations submitted beginning Tuesday, January 28, 2025.


Facilitated by Dr. Patrick Turner

Join us for a workshop that delves into the unique needs and expectations of Gen Z students. We'll explore how recent events, including the pandemic, social justice movements, and a politically charged climate, have shaped their learning styles and preferences. Discover effective programmatic approaches, instructional methods, and teaching strategies to foster engagement, retention, and success in this new era of higher education. 


Facilitated by 

Pre-Conference workshop information coming soon! 


Facilitated by Samantha Redford

Attendees will have the opportunity to communicate with both NMPED and NMHED representatives regarding the future direction of dual credit in the state of New Mexico. This is an opportunity for secondary, post-secondary, counselors, administrators, academic advisors, program coordinators, faculty and all other constituents working with the dual credit population to meet and discuss best practices for dual credit programs.

2025 NMHEAR Conference


The 2025 NMHEAR Conference includes all sessions, as well as the Keynote address from Dr. Julie Edmunds. 

Late Fee - A $15 late fee will be applied to all registrations submitted beginning Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

Keynote Address: The Benefits and Challenges of Dual Enrollment

More and more students around the country are taking dual enrollment courses. Research is showing that dual enrollment leads to positive high school, postsecondary and workforce outcomes for students. But we also know there are challenges, including inequities in student participation, and factors that make it hard for postsecondawry institutions to offer dual enrollment courses. Join Dr. Julie Edmunds, Director of the Early College Research Center, for a presentation and discussion around the following questions: What do we know about the impacts of dual enrollment and student participation in dual enrollment? What should colleges be thinking about as they seek to offer effective dual enrollment programming? What systems need to be in place to ensure that dual enrollment is effective and sustainable? 

Dr. Julie Edmunds is Director of the Early College Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where she leads a team of researchers looking at early college, dual enrollment, postsecondary pathways and related topics. She has been studying early college and dual enrollment for 20 years and has authored or co-authored over 30 articles and a book, Early Colleges as a Model for Schooling: Creating New Pathways for Access to Higher Education. Dr. Edmunds has also been a program analyst for the U.S. Department of Education, an elementary school teacher, and a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Post-Conference Workshops

All pre-conference workshops will take place on February 28 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm. (Prices range from $25 - $45). 

Late fee - A $10 late fee will be added to all registrations that include a pre and/or post conference workshop for registrations submitted beginning Tuesday, January 28, 2025.


Facilitated by Kate McGowan (NMSU), NMAIRP President

The New Mexico Association for Institutional Research and Planning (NMAIRP) will hold its annual meeting. One to two presenters will speak on current issues related to institutional research and planning. All conference attendees are welcome to attend.

NEW! All attendees of the workshop are invited to Leveraging Compliance Reporting Effort for Institutional Improvement from 11:30am - 12:50pm. This will be a free-range discussion of how we close the loop with Perkins and other compliance reporting data, using data warehouses to support reporting, and strategies to grow the range of programs and colleges using Perkins funding. It will be led by Rebecca Galves, Data Coordinator, College and Career Readiness Bureau, NMPED; John Bollweg, Senior Institutional Researcher, UNM-Valencia; Adele Springer, Institutional Researcher, Western New Mexico University; and Susan Chaudoir, PDI 2.0 Project Lead, College and Career Readiness Bureau, NMPED. 


Facilitated by Alicia Armijo, NC-SARA Coordinator for NMHED. 

This workshop is the sixth annual meeting of the New Mexico State Authorization Network (NM-SAN). The New Mexico Higher Education Department NC SARA Coordinator will attend and provide important information regarding changes to SARA. There will be updates regarding NMHED processes and best practices for ensuring distance education compliance. Attendees will discuss needs and concerns relating to state authorization and provide feedback about NM-SAN Services. 


Facilitated by Kelsey Mead and Annie Willmon  

This workshop is the 1st state-wide meeting of the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) New Mexico affiliate chapter. 

Late Fees

A late fee as outlined below will be applied to all registrations submitted beginning Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

  • $15 late fee will be applied to conference registrations (Regular Registration: $125; Late Registration: $140)
  • $10 late fee will be applied to registrations that include a pre and/or post-conference registration